Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a painted feather?
There are 3 basic sizes with a base price for each size. Variations of those (adding a second feather, more content painted, etc) would add to the base price.
The base prices are Covert Feathers ~ $150, Medium Feathers ~ $325, Tail Feathers ~ start at $450 (**this size has the most room for variables and price fluctuation)
This pic shows a comparison of size with one another: The center is a Medium (measures 12x17.5), the 2 smaller, top and bottom are Coverts (measures 9x11),
and the 2 largest on either sides are Tail Feathers (measures 13x24). These can all be a vertical or horizontal format, sample pics of different ones areavailable on the
painted feather page. Both Medium and Tail Feather paintings also have a pencil remarque on the matting to compliment the main painting.
** example: These particular tail feather paintings both have a second feather added, these 2 were priced at $485 each

How long does it take you to do one?
They all vary so much and I never do one completely from start to finish by itself... I'll have a 'batch' of feathers all going at the same time where I can hop back and forth between them. Some of the same size are much more involved than others, doing them this way not only is more efficient, but allows for the pricepoints to be a little more consistent based on the size rather than time involved.

Do you do custom orders?
I do take on some custom orders, but depends on what I have on my plate at the moment as to whether I'm adding to the back end of that list at any particular time. It's best just to shoot an email to ask if there's something you're interested in. The only thing that I no longer take on at all are portraits/people. Other than that, if it is something we've discussed and are going to move forward with, please keep in mind that the reference photo supplied is going to be key to the quality of the end result. Also, one favorite pose/photo is best...

What is the turnaround time for an order?
If it's something that I have in stock, a print or a feather that I already have readily available in my inventory, it will be shipped out within a week of the order. Turn around time on a custom or a feather that I do not have in stock depends on the amount of orders ahead of it and sometimes the size (coverts can always be squeezed into a batch here and there much easier than larger ones). The wildcard is also our show schedule. We do shows the first and 4th quarters of the year, so my 'catch-up' time for the larger pieces is a window of the few months following the first quarter and late summer when I start stocking again for our show inventory. Catching us at a show is always the best way to see a large variety and be able to compare sizes,etc.

What made you think to paint a feather?
I get asked this one quite a bit! Truthfully, I didn't! We started our family young...the year after I graduated HS to be exact. I also landed my first 'actual commission painting' for an organization that same year, so I thought to make a go of it so I could work from home and stay at home with our daughter. I started doing local craft shows, painting on slates, milk cans, cheese boxes, etc and taking orders for custom things. My husband had started getting more into turkey hunting in the early 90's, someone he worked with brought in a magazine that had a feather with a snow scene painted on it from somewhere out West...I tried painting on one of the feathers we had to surprise my husband...it worked, and that niche grew for orders outpacing anything else I was painting on, so I traveled that road:)